Taisiya Shvetsova

Taisiya Shvetsova’s painting is at times reverent and vulnerable and sometimes monumental and simple has some unexplainable latent feelings whose power can’t but impress everyone. The gift of God is combined in the paintress with the untutored modesty, creative fertility, craving for beauty and the complete absence of academic artistic education. However, this makes her pictures more original and interesting. The everlasting search and doubts make her find new subjects for her pictures, immersing us into this festival given by the generous hand of Taisiya Alexandrovna Shvetsova.





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 The Picture-show of Taisiya Alexandrovna Shvetsova ‘Soul’s Beautiful Emotions’

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 In the State memorial estate A.S. Pushkin "Mihajlovsky" have opened an exhibition-gift "Mitki" - to Pushkin Reserve. Portraits"Mitkov"specially for this exposition were written by Taisiya Shvetsova.

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On February 14, 2009 in the Museum of Creative Association ‘Mitki’ Taisiya Shvetsova’s picture-show ‘Soul’s Beautiful Emotions’ took place. ‘Mitki’ perceived the naпve art of the Pskov paintress whose kindness and force of impact on viewers in some points coincides with the art of these artists from St.-Petersburg

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The Picture-show of Taisiya Alexandrovna Shvetsova ‘The Theme’

On September 7, 2008 in the Pushkin State open-air museum ‘Mikhailovskoye’ Taisiya Shvetsova’s picture-show ‘The Theme’ was opened. The picture-show will take place till October 7.

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●  The Picture-show of Taisiya Alexandrovna Shvetsova ‘The Fifth Season’

On March 6, 2008 in the Show-room ‘Na Gertsena, 6’ Taisiya Shvetsova’s picture-show ‘The Fifth Season’ was opened. This show has a subtitle ‘When Reading Anna Akhmatova…’

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●  The travelling exposition of the Museum of Naive Art ‘And I Saw the New Sky’, 2001

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●  The travelling exposition of the Museum of Naive Art ‘Pushkin’s Images

The picture-show took place in nine Russian cities and Cannes (France) in the Palace of Festivals. The geography of the Picture-show: Pskov – Cherepovets – Kotlas – Kirov – Moscow – Cannes – Murmansk – Vladimir – Alexandrov – Ivanovo.



Works of Taisiya Shvetsova



Натюрморт. Оргалит, акрил, 1998

Меджнон и Лейли
Меджнон и Лейли

Цветы для Ахматовой
Цветы для Ахматовой


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Николай Чудотворец


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Влюбленная пара

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All questions concerning the exhibition activities: phone: +7 911 8862046 (Alexander), e-mail: bushst@yandex.ru